Confucius once said “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Well consider this mine, no scratch that, our first step in this long and winding road. So without further ado, welcome to the How To Build An Author House Series.
My name is Matthew Turner, although you can call me Turndog Millionaire because that is what I go by around these parts. I’m a strategic marketer and I just so happen to be in the final stages of my first novel (so yeah, I’m one of you guys). Therefore I thought I’d bring my skill set to the board and take you through a Strategic journey of author marketing, looking at things in a slightly more strategic manner than most will. There are thousands of book marketing and author platform guides out there (seriously, Google it, it’s crazy), but mine will be a little different. My background is marketing, in fact no… my background is strategic branding so I know exactly what is needed to turn an aspiring something into a major everything!
As most of you reading this will know, there are basically two options to getting your book out there. The first is to get published in the traditional sense via a publisher, and the second is to go the indie route and do it yourself. I never had any ambitions to get published and become a writer growing up, but writing has found me and after hours upon of hours of work, I owe it to myself and my story to send it and let it fly or fall.
So here’s my plan, and where it all fits around this series of author marketing tips.
My first plan is to approach agents and publishers, send it out there and see if anyone takes any interest. If so great, if not, well, it’s the self-publishing route and the tough decision of whether it is good enough. I certainly won’t make that decision now, but I aim to create a foundation that will be there if needed, and indeed for future books I plan to write in the coming years.
The absolute key in all of this is creating a foundation, or author platform as many call it. Whether you aim to go the traditional way or not, a solid author platform will make things so much easier along the way, and I’m here to provide my expertise in marketing to help you create a solid foundation that will allow you to build a skyscraper if you so desire.
So this series is going to follow my own journey as I create a Marketing Strategy, not one for my book, rather a strategy for Matthew Turner the author. I think it’s important to distinguish the two, because in the modern world the book usually means absolutely nothing without the author being the head honcho. Simply put the author, yes that’s YOU, is the brand and the book is the product. As you will soon learn, I’m all about the brand.
Consider this the intro to the series I’ve aptly called ‘The Millionaire Plan’. Follow me on my journey as I:
– Create my own Marketing Strategy (not a list of social media tools to use, rather a complete strategy I would use if consulting for a business or organisation).
– Give reasons for things I choose
– Give reasons for the things I don’t
– Offer different options so you can tailor things around YOU
– Provide links to other experts, authors, and sites
– Interview author marketing guru’s to help get the best advice possible
– Provide a solid author platform that will help YOU develop a strong network to sell books, and hell, whatever else you wish to sell.
There’s a lot of great articles about what social media platforms to use, author platforms in general, and what communication channels to explore. This will form a part of my strategy, but it will go much deeper than that. This I feel is my USP and hopefully something that will help a few people out there. Author marketing is so important these days because no one will be able to help like you can help yourself. Set the foundation now and just see what you can become.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and you just took yours!
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million