This isn’t a post blasting Hipsters as I have several friends in the states that would qualify. The thing is, though, they’re just trying oh so hard to be unique and individual and stand out, and quite frankly get things totally wrong. Just like you get certain white people trying to be black, dumb people trying to be smart, and guys trying to be women, the end result is usually comical.
Hipsters are exactly what they are… wannabes
As such they’re stuck in the middle – not quite cool and a laughing stock to most. They see the individual cool of Europe and wish they were part of it. Away from the dull buzzed haircuts and grey sweatshirts of Middle America, and in the frenzy of colour and tight jeans of Milan, Paris, and London.
I see many brands doing exactly this, striving to be unique and offer something special. Most of the time they fall short, though. They set their targets high and try to be different, unique, and special, but fall drastically short.
Just look at Hipsters, they try so hard to get away from the ‘Norm’, but end up with the same haircuts, clothes & green glasses. They may look quirky and different and stand out from the crowd, but they still look like the rest of the non-conformers (aka, conforming to things).
So how can you avoid this? How can you be unique and different and special, but still be relevant and successful?
let’s look at Apple and how they‘ve never invented a single thing.
- They make computers, but did they invent them? No!
- They also do phones, but how long were they around before the iPhone? A million years!
- What about Tablet Computers? Yep, they were around too.
- MP3 players? Yep, once again they were a few years behind
So why is it then, they’re so successful?
The simple answer is they had a creative genius driving them forward, starting as a Hipster (always trying to be different and unique and special) and eventually becoming part of that special Club (let’s call it the land of awesome).
Apple takes markets that already exist, customers who are already happy, and turns everything upside down. They take existing products, put their funky spin on it, and communicate it in a way that makes people go ‘Wow, I need that!’.
So what does this show us? It shows how a mixture of Creative Thinking & Strategic Thinking can be the key to success. The big problem, however, is there’s little room in this special club. A lot strive for it, but most will fall short.
The world needs Hipsters. They need the world to be full of people wanting to be the best and coming up short. Can you still be a success? Heck yeah, just take a look at the P&L sheets of HP, Samsung, and Toshiba and weep at the numbers. The people who should worry are the followers, the one’s happy to plod along and conform. They’re the ones struggling and just getting by.
The world is full of people willing to settle for less (they usually have buzzed haircuts and wear grey sweatshirts), while the rest of us chase shadows and dreams (we’re the ones in the bright orange jumpers, green glasses, and a camera from 1987).
The remaining few are the geniuses of the world, the ones we’ll remember for years to come. What do they wear? Usually something very expensive… either that or a black turtleneck.
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million