Take my readers on a journey? I don’t know, this sounds like you want me to kidnap my fans.
Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to run away and murder anyone, simply understand who your reader is and edge them along a particular route.
Understanding who your reader is, is very important. As an aspiring author it’s vital you know who they are, but understanding who isn’t what this Post is about.
No, instead I want you to focus on the journey they take. How you take them from a stranger to a reader. How you take them someone who has no idea who you are, to a person loyal to your cause.
This may focus on them buying your books, or subscribing to your Blog… or maybe even both. Whatever the end result is, it’s vital you understand what this journey is, because it can really help you leave a lasting impression.
What Is Your Ideal Journey?
For one reason or another, you’re reading this Blog Post. You may have come across me over Social Media, via a Search Engine, or maybe from a link on another Blog/Website.
We were once strangers, but now we’re acquaintances…or better yet, maybe we’re friends. Maybe we have spoken, emailed, shared Tweets. The point is, you didn’t always know who I was, but now you do. My job, as a Blogger/Writer/Aspiring Author, is to take you on a journey.
What Journey do you want your readers to take?
Do you want them to buy your book, subscribe to your newsletter, add you on Twitter? Do you even know what you want? If you don’t, well, now’s a great time to start thinking about it. This is how you will go from an Aspiring Author to a fully fledged star.
Make Things Easy
There are many things you can do, and depending on your situation, everyone will be different. Overall, though, you want to turn a one time reader into a loyal supporter. This will take more than one Blog Post, Tweet, or Email. This takes time, and time is something we often don’t get.
Think about all the people vying for your attention. Do you have time to become a supporter to everyone you meet. As an aspiring author you’ll no doubt meet fellow writers and agents and bloggers, and a whole host of people who, although interesting, may or may not be worth following.
You need to be selective and wield out those who don’t interest you. Your reader is thinking exactly the same, so your journey needs to be exciting, interesting, and totally kick ass!
You want to keep them on your site…get them to sign up to your email list…add your Blog to their RSS feed…download your Book…buy your products. You really can’t expect them to do this straight away.
Why would they trust you?
Why should they give a damn?
Create A Path To Follow
Create a path that works for you and your reader. I don’t want you to simply copy the following points, rather select the aspects that work for you and filter out the rest.
As an aspiring author you need to create a journey that works for you, that will keep people in your life, and that will help you stand out from the crowd. This is what I suggest:
Create Great Content
They say Content is King, and in terms of getting people on your side, it holds true. Your Content needs to be good, whether it’s a Blog Post, Video, or Book. Give people a reason to visit you, stay, and want to return. Poor content will only go so far.
Highlight The Path You Desire
When someone first visits your site it can be a little over whelming. Help them by shining a light on the path they should follow. This doesn’t mean make things too obvious, rather the occasional advert, call to action at the end of a Blog Post, or Link to a landing page you want them to visit.
Gather Their Email
You need to gather your readers email address. This is good for many reasons, the main being they’re inviting you into their inbox. If someone comes to your site, great, but you have little way to know who they are and talk to them further. On the other hand, if you get their email, well, you hold some power.
Speak to Them Often, But Be Interesting
So you have their email, well done. This doesn’t, however, give you permission to email them every day with offers and promotions. Message them often, but make sure it’s interesting. If you create great content that gets them to your site, continue this here. Create consistent messages and over time these readers will become your followers
Always Offer Friendship
You should always offer the option to talk to you. Whether it’s a comment on your Blog, a reply to your email, or an online chat of some kind; make yourself available to your supporters.
As an aspiring author you need to gather new readers and turn them into something more. This is no easy task, but by creating a journey for them to follow, you stand a good chance of success.
This is one of the things I cover in my Free Ebook Series How To Build An Author House. If you’re an aspiring author this may help, so check it out and let me know your thoughts. Whatever you choose to do:
Be open, honest, and available.
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million
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