Hello there and welcome to The Turndog Review: the books I read, reviewed.
I aren’t a professional critic, instead all I offer is my honest opinion into everything I read. However, I do this with a difference, as I don’t only offer my personal views on the Writing, Plot, and Story, but also the Book Cover, Book Marketing, and Author Website.
We live in a modern world where being a writer is different to years gone by, and I feel the whole experience of the book matters. This covers everything from the initial find, the actual read, and everything that follows. Therefore I hope this review not only offers a great insight into the book and author, but also into my own mind and what makes me tick.
So without further ado let’s begin, and today I focus on Alice In Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carrol
Published: 1865
Read: April 2012
Discovered: Via the Goodreads April Book Challenge.
That kid Carroll is crazy. Seriously, his head is on another planet, and I can only assume the rumours of certain narcotics being present is true. I was really excited to read this book as it was one I always loved as a child. Oh how our minds change, and while we’re on the subject, how is this a book for kids?
The story basically follows Alice on an adventure and a half. In the first story (In Wonderland) she falls down a never-ending hole and appears in a brand new world… a world with a crazy queen, a mad hatter, and a whole host of crazy folk (including a disappearing, smiling cat).
In the second story (Through the Looking Glass) Alice finds herself going through a mirror and into a backward world with more crazy queens, humpty dumpty, and Tweeddale Dum & Tweeddale Dee.
They are both dreams/acid trips, and overall a couple of tales that make for some interesting ideas.
I can’t say I loved my re-read of this classic, because I found it very hard to get into. The language, in particular the dialogue, is madness. It all adds to the whimsical nature, and is certainly something I will read to future Turner’s, but for the adult me it was not what I hoped.
The Good:
The biggest positive of reading this book was the memories it brought. From aspects like the Jabberwocky poem to the Mad Hatter and his crazy ways, it took me back to a younger time when you can dream and imagine anything and everything.
It’s also good to read books from years gone by, as it introduces you to a new kind of language. As a writer, this can seriously help create some inspiration and got me thinking about my own work.
The Bad:
It’s just so damn trippy!
On a serious note, my biggest gripe is the dialogue, and although it’s wondering ways is part of its charm, it never the less makes it a difficult read. I found myself trailing off often and there were certain parts of the book I simply didn’t take in.
This is a shame because it’s always nice to be captured an immersed for the entire journey, but this simply wasn’t case.
Book Cover:
Everyone knows about Alice and her adventures, so the actual cover isn’t as important as it is for other authors. Never the less, this cover is quite simple, and the name of the book and author stand out nicely. The picture is also very quaint, so overall I don’t think you can have too many complaints.
One reason I chose this particular cover is because it fits in with the old nature. There are so many covers for Alice, and some are great. It’s a book from over a hundred years ago, though, so it’s nice to have a cover that’s a little more old school.
Book Marketing:
A rather mute subject if you ask me, because lets face it, this book doesn’t need marketing. A children’s classic and is therefore void of most responsibilities.
Author Website & Engagement:
Mr Carroll, for obvious reasons, isn’t an active communicator. However, his presence lives on through his fans, and it’s great to see societies all around the world that exist.
This obviously isn’t because of the author, but it’s great to see his fans coming together and letting the memory, and his work, live through the ages.
Overall, I was disappointed with my re-visit of this classic, but I feel I was expecting too much. I loved how it took me back to a simpler time, but it isn’t the easiest to read and get into.
Never the less, I love what it represents, which is basically a child who can imagine anything. This is great and something we should all do from time to time. The world maybe great, but it’s always good to let your mind wonder.
As for my score, well I give it…
3 Turndogs out of 5
Thanks for reading this version of The Turndog Review. I review every book I read, not only for the writing, but the marketing, website, and general communication from the author.
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million