Who’s ready for the week’s best news? I know I am, so lets get straight into this edition of The Turndog Tales, shall we?
As always, I open up this wonderful Friday with the week’s best news. I can only hope they inspire you like they have me:
Print Books Are Alive & Well
I’m a huge fan of Ebooks. They’re so damn handy, and I often have my iPad with me. However, sometimes you need a real life book to hold and treasure. Catherine (who also loves coffee…good job) agrees and wrote a superb Post about it.
She loves Jurassic Park and came across a superb edition. This is why Print will never die. It may become less mainstream, but there will forever be a market for it. How much do you love a printed book?
Work Less, Get More
This is some backward thinking. You work less and get more out of it. Crazy talk!
Or is it? Ben Whiting looks at productivity, and some of his tips are good. We all struggle with this from time to time. We get a deadline approaching, stress levels go up, and we get tired. We try to work more and actually do less. It’s an annoying fine line.
This Post can help. Check it out and see your productivity spike
Believe In Yourself
I hear being a writer is tough. We need tough skin and we WILL see rejection. It’s because of this that we need faith in ourselves. Cody Hodge has created a post that is very helpful.
I’m sure you feel my pain. I’m sure you live it yourself each and every day. An article like this can help. Check it out and watch your berthing get a little deeper, a little slower, and a little easier
Ask The Right Questions
Nick Thacker wrote for Problogger this week and talked about asking the right questions. This is something I talk about a great deal, so it was a Post that caught my attention.
Nick has seen some great spikes in traffic recently, and he shares his experiences for all to see. Not in a ‘look at me’ sort of way, but in a manner that can help. If you Blog, this is a post for you
Great Writing Resources
We all love, and indeed NEED, a list of resources from time to time. I came across this Post and immediately loved it. 50 sites that can help a writer. Sure, I’d heard of some of them. Sure, some of them aren’t needed.
Some, however, are great. If you don’t find a couple that suits your needs, well, I don’t know what to tell you
The ‘Bloody Hell, Really’ Post
There is a load of news about the DOJ/Ebook Pricing issues, and this week an article popped up that annoyed me. It says how the DOJ are delaying the release of letters from the public.
This sounds suspect to me. I get the feeling certain things will get brushed under the carpet, overlooked and what not. You know, in the way governments and poilitcs are usually do. Hmmmmmm
That’s a wrap for this week. Have a great weekend and enjoy some summer sun. I have a few posts up over the next few days, so make sure to come and visit me over the weekend.
Right about now I usually share some of my own Posts, but instead I want to share a few services from other people I know. Enjoy…
A new Author Platform service from Nick Thacker – This looks exciting
Jeff Goins New Book – I’m lucky to be part of his launch team, but don’t buy the book just yet. Download the FREE first chapter and get some exciting goodies later. Heads up 🙂
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million