The Turndog Tales: 30/12/2012 – 04/01/2013





Welcome to the first Friday of 2013, and therefore the first Turndog Tales of the year. 

This week I’ve been getting back into the swing of things, and my Twitter activity has been slowly getting back to normal. These are my fave stories from the last seven days.

The Routines Of The Richly Famous

Writers are a fairly crazy bunch, and the routines of the famed are often varied. This great list from Maria Popova  provides quotes and insights into some of the best writers of recent years.

How do you fair when you compare yourself to others. In the end of the day we should compare ourselves to others, but it’s nice to see how the best go about it.

Click Here

What 2013 Will Hold

It’s the time of year when people begin predicting the next twelve months. I’ve ready many of these posts, and this one by Thomas Umstattd is one of my favourites.

It offers some cool insights into Ebooks and Audiobooks and Reading and more. It’s short and sweet, and trust me, is well worth a few minutes of your time. 

Click Here

No Butt’s About It

This post by Kristen Lamb focusses on getting things done. No more excesses or giving into fear. No more talk talk talk, without the walk walk walk.

This is the time of year to start anew, so have a read and get motivated. It’s 2013, and things are great 🙂

Click Here 

Now Is the Time

I love this post by Dan Blank. It says how now is a good time to be a writer, despite what some people will say. Competition, sure, that’s tough. Multi skill-sets, yeah, it is hard to get going and build that platform.

You also have freedom, though, and so much potential. Dan offers a great insight into what he has learned in recent years. A great post for anyone who might be clinging onto fear.

Click Here 

Some Amazing Predictions

Again, another prediction post, but this one comes from ten inspiring women.

Laura Howard is the host, and the insight is great. Seriously, what an amazing post of times that lay ahead. I’m sure many won’t come to be, but much will. Like I say, 2013 is going to be great

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The ‘Bloody Hell, Really’ Post

This post is about pirates, and nope, not the ones that sail the high seas. It’s about people who download other peoples books for free, and the people who write the book not being happy.

Piracy is a good position to be in to be honest. It shows you’re in demand. Exposure is everything, and although I can understand the annoyance from the writers POV, I think they instead need to be proactive and connect with their readers more. In my opinions this will help fix many of the issues

Click Here

And so brings an end to proceedings. Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you will do so next week, too.

On Tuesday (8th Jan) I release my debut novel, Beyond Parallel. I’d also like to tell you about my Launch Day Package, a host of goodies that those who buy in the first three days will get. 

You can find out all of the info HERE, but simply put, if you buy in the first three days, you’ll receive:

  1. A FREE Audiobooks
  2. Access to a Special Twitter Chat
  3. A Special Mention in Future Editions
  4. An Exclusive Litograph Wallpaper 🙂

I hope you’ll be part of this with me

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