TICK to the TOCK Launch Day




Twelve months ago today, I released my debut novel, Beyond Parallel. 365 Days later and it’s ready for my second installment, TICK to the TOCK, and I couldn’t be prouder to share it with the world.

2013 was a big and strange year for me, and TICK to the TOCK consumed a great deal of it. Now’s the time to welcome 2014, and what better way to do so than with a new book that holds so much of my heart and soul. This journey is in its infancy, and I hope beyond hope you’ll be part of it with me.


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Until this Friday, TICK to the TOCK will be a mere $.99


Like I say, I’m a proud writer today, and TICK to the TOCK is a story I’m excited to share. It may or may not be your cup of tea though, so with this in mind I assume you will either buy or not buy a copy today. What I hope you will partake in is Your Ticking Duty, for 3 simple clicks can achieve a great deal.



Thank you for being part of this journey, because it wouldn’t be nearly as fun if I tackled it on my own. There’s lots to enjoy on the TICK to the TOCK PAGE (including Giveaways & Promotions) so take a little look-see and be sure to let me know your thoughts. I’d love to hear your opinions on the Cover and Description, so head over to Twitter or Facebook and share some words of wisdom with me.

Here’s to a great day, and an amazing 2014.


PS. Things will be getting back to normal on here shortly. I have many plans in the coming weeks and months, so stay tuned…

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