Book Launch: Beyond The Pale





I’m delighted to announce that my latest book — Beyond The Pale: a Fable about Escaping the Hustle and Finding Yourself is now available and finally of this world. After several years of research, interviews, writing, re-writing, editing, and preparing for launch… I’m happy to say today is the day that Morgan James has published it.

Scroll below to read the blurb and watch the official trailer, and do not forget to grab your copy, purchase gifts for friends and peers alike, and generally shout from the rooftops about this coming-of-age fable set to inspire a generation of entrepreneurs, influencers, and those with a dream to impact this world.

Watch The Trailer Now


Beyond The Pale Cover

About The Book

Ferdinand Foy has it all: success, youthful good looks, fame, and a soon-to-be hundred-billion-dollar company. He assumed he had it figured out, and that life would only get better. 

Until one day a chance encounter forced him to ask, “Is this really it?”

Beyond The Pale is a business fable written for today’s fast-paced millennial that’s always switched-on, ready to work, and with dreams to change the world.

It follows Ferdinand as he begins to question what success and fulfilment means to him, travelling the world in search of answers to questions he never dare ask. Meeting an assortment of entrepreneurs, authors, musicians and spiritual healers, Ferdinand changes his entire outlook on life, and with it, the daunting prospect of walking away from the business he built from scratch.

Beyond The Pale provides a spiritual awakening to anyone so caught up in their business that they cannot see beyond what’s in front of them. Through Ferdinand’s own awakening, you’ll begin to question your own life and the pursuit of success that no longer makes sense.

As Ferdinand reaches the end of his journey, he finds the answer he was looking for. But first, he must figure out how to ask the right questions.

Scroll below for more videos & trailers


About The Author

Matthew Turner is a British author who wrote his latest book, ‘Beyond The Pale’ on the back of interviewing hundreds of successful entrepreneurs, authors, investors, and thought-leaders. As well as writing his own books, Matthew ghostwrites both articles and books for other successful entrepreneurs and thought-leaders, in-between spending time with his two children.








Thank you for your support during launch. I am very proud of Beyond The Pale, and I cannot wait to see the impact this fable will have on those who read it. Please, grab your copy, share with friends, leave a review, and be part of mine and this book’s journey ahead.

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