What Is Strategic Marketing?




I recently wrote the Free Ebook, What Is Strategic Marketing: The Ultimate Balancing Act. I wanted to write this post today to share my story and reasons around writing this book.

I left my job on the 30th April 2012 and gave myself to the 1st June to get ready. I already had a good portion of my platform sorted, but May was a time to finish my website, complete my Business Plan, and create a great deal of content.

I take inspiration in the Freemium model, which people like Danny Iny, John Morrow, and Sean Platt use to great effect. There are many more, of course, but it was people like this that made me see the light.

I considered my Core Values and saw a pattern. Words like To Share & To Help kept showing up and I knew what I had to do. I needed to create a Free Book or two, give them away, and begin an array of relationships.

Would this make me immediate money? No!

Would this take a great deal of time? Yes!

Do I feel the process is absolutely worth while? You bet!


The Inception

I set out to create a Free Ebook that marketers and business people alike would find helpful, and at the same time showcase what I do, what I’m about, etc etc. I thought for hours, and then one afternoon, as I sat waiting for a train, it came to me.

What Is Strategic Marketing?

It’s the ultimate balancing act, I said to myself. It’s the balance of Creative & Strategic Thinking, and the basis of my book was formed. It felt really great. All I had to do was write it.


The Process

Creating an Ebook was nothing new. I’d done several in the past, mainly for work, and had a good idea what I wanted my end product to look like.

  • I wanted it to be short. Around 20 pages long
  • I wanted to be a quick read, that busy people could take in
  • I wanted it to showcase what I do
  • I wanted to showcase my ideas, and why I left my job
  • I wanted to ask questions, rather than provide answers

So, I opened up the iBooks Author software and began writing. I spent an entire day in the library and I finished my 1st draft. I was amazed at how easy it came flooding out. I’d put aside a few days to do this, and it took a matter of hours. It felt great.

Of course I spent more time on it…editing and re-doing and altering, but for the most part it was done. I was really pleased with the outcome, and feel I’ve created a lovely little Ebook that provides clarity and ideas.


Why Strategic Marketing?

Of course, I will leave you to be the critic, and if you have yet to download the Ebook, please do so. Why did I look at Strategic Marketing, though? Why did I choose this topic to reach out to people?

Well, I believe the marketing world is changing and I want to be part of it. This was my primary reason to leave my job and become a Strategic Marketing Consultant, because I’m fed up of the old ways. I want to be part of the new wave, and I’ve got ideas to share.

What Is Strategic Marketing discusses exactly this. I wanted to get people thinking. To question their own work, their own business, and their own ideas. Are they living in the past or embracing the future?

In this book I discuss:

  • Creative Thinking
  • Strategic Thinking
  • The 20th v 21st Century
  • The Future Of Marketing
  • How to Balance Creativity & Strategy

I don’t provide answers, per say, that’s not my intention.No, I want to see people questioning things. I want them to question the current model, their current structure, and how they could place their own mark on things. I want to find these people who align with my own ideas, who challenge me, and ultimately, the people who think I’m wrong.

Not because they’re stuck in the old ways, but because they have other ideas. Ideas that compliment or contradict or are different to my own. These are the people I wish to meet and these are the people I hope to work with.


The Next Step

That’s why I wrote What Is Strategic Marketing: The Ultimate Balancing Act. I wanted to create a quick read that would showcase my ideas and get people questioning things.

I wanted to provide something Free, in return for an email and introduction. Does this guarantee me work? Absolutely not. In fact, I’ll be surprised it leads to much in terms of Consultancy work.

What it will do, I believe, is introduce me to a whole host of new people. It will expand my Brand, introduce me to the world, and get people taking notice. This is what the Freemium model is all about. It creates opportunity, whatever that may be, and I’m excited to see the response of my Ebook in the coming weeks.

Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million


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