This is the first in a series of blogs that I’m calling ‘The Turndog Tales’ a weekly update of interesting stories I’ve come across in the last seven days over Twitter, Blogs, and the various news sources I use on my iphone. This weeks eye catching stories include a renegade viral vigilante, festive themed flash mobbing, and hints on the future of publishing. Sit back and enjoy 🙂
Viral Vigilante Caught By Police
This story came via The Drum and went on to tell me about how authorities have charged the hero of the previous week, a man who threw a Scottish hoodlum off a train. I remember thinking at the time, ‘what a legend, but I wonder if this will come back to bite him.’ I’m afraid to say it did, and unfortunately shows us what our current society offers to people with good hearts.
A guy doing a good deed, albeit in a rough around the edges kind of way, and getting punished for it. We can only hope the judge allows sense to prevail.
Have a Very Merry Flash Mob
Whereas the previous story shows us the down side of viral videos, this certainly shows us the whimsical and magical side. I found this on the Rachelle Gardner Blog, posting a video of a bunch of Merry Christmas goers singing and dancing and providing us all with some festive sprit. If you haven’t seen this video yet I suggest you do, it’ll certainly cheer up your day.
Fifty Things About A Literary Life
Robert McCrum, writing for the guardian, goes through a list of fifty things he’s learned about literary life, a list of some very good, and quite frankly amusing observations. Everyone loves a good list, especially at this time of year… and with observations such as, ‘writers who get divorced usually sack their agents’, and ‘Great booksellers are usually a bit mad’, well, what’s not to like.
Writing Tips For The Aspiring Minds
I’m always on the look out for some tips on writing, both how to market and how to write in the first place. I always come across some great ones but this week I really liked a piece by Jody Hedlund and Melissa Donovan. Jody discusses three things she wishes she learnt earlier about writing, whereas Melissa discusses the important link between reading and writing.
Both are great little articles and well worth the 2-minutes it will take you to read them.
The Trends of Writing
This is another big topic at the minute, probably because a New Year always brings new hope and the idea of something growing. Most are discussing digital reading and where it will go in 2012, I myself finding a few articles that got me thinking.
First up is an article by William Skidelsky, discussing the growth of subscription reading services like unbound, my second is an article about serial writing from Jane Friedman, and finally a Blog by Joanna Penn about Novellas and how they can have a strong place online.
Where reading and publishing goes in the next few years is very interesting, and I’m sure some of the things discussed in these articles will go on to boom. The big question is which one’s will do just that, and which one’s will drop off and disappear?
Graduates Paying For Work!
The final story is one of the most disgusting I’ve read in a while, so bad in fact I couldn’t finish it. It discusses how new recruitment agency, Etsio, is charging people to intern. That’s right, not the interns themselves getting paid, no, poor old student ‘Jenny’ having to pay £200 for the privilege of working.
Absolutely disgusting!
Read it HERE if you’d like to hate life a little.
Then when you’ve finished watch this again to regain some happiness
Have a very Merry Christmas everybody!
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million