It’s Friday, which means only one thing… The Turndog Tales return with the week’s best news from around the web. It’s been another interesting few days with iBook 2’s first few days of release, some inspiring stories for all aspiring authors, and a few reasons why Blogging is still relevant in this micro social world we live in.
So let’s get this weekend started with our first Turndog Tale:
Inspiration From The World Of Authors
Terri Guiliano, Robin Mellom, Michelle Krys, and Josh Sarz all provided my eyes with some rather lovely reading this week. Recalling days of happiness and how we’re in an age when dreams can come true, even if we have to wait a little bit longer than we might all like.
Michelle and Robin both recount how they found their agents, and offers a little insight into the process, the nerve wrecking waiting, and how a little bit of patience can go a long way.
Whereas Terri gives us a story of a different kind; how she over threw the odds of a so-called ‘Professional’ and sold tens of thousands of books. She puts most of her fortune to fellow writers and Bloggers, and gives Blogging in general some very nice praise.
The final person in this inspirational group, and the only man, is josh who tells a story that incorporates a four year old teaching us all a very good lesson. I tell you, four years olds can be so smart sometimes. I strongly recommend reading all four stories, so go take a little look now!
It’s Alive I Tell You, Blogging Is Alive!
Neil Patel writes a great article about how Blogging is still relevant in 2012 despite micro sites like Twitter and Tumblr taking over. He discusses the great numbers that Tumblr gets, but also states seven great reasons why Blogging, in it’s traditional form, still has relevance and a place in this fast moving world.
As many of you reading this will have your own Blogs, you can take a huge sigh of relief because we aren’t wasting our time. At least not totally anyway 🙂
Click >>>HERE<<<<
Write Less & Receive More
Coppyblogger is a great site, but I had my doubts when first reading this post. After thinking a little though I began to see the reasoning and it all made a hell of a lot of sense.
The premise is simple. Write less and get more traffic. Well ok, maybe it isn’t quite that simple, but the short and easy form suggests just that. This is ideal for all you Bloggers who find time dwindling away. Have a read and learn some quite fantastical stuff.
Come on, you know you want tooooooooooo
E-Books Have A Long Way To Go
James Moushon provides a quite marvellous post about the potential of e-books and how they can differ from the more traditional paper based siblings. His ideas are simple, but I bet so many self-publishers miss the trick. Either through laziness or ignorance, it doesn’t really matter. E-Books offer some great potential so people need to start using it to its full effect.
Click This WAY
Apple Hit The Big Time, Surprisingly…
Not surprising at all is it. I mean when was the last time Apple failed? 1996? Engadget wrote an article about how Apple have shifted 350,000 text books in the first three days of the new iBook 2 platform.
This is a tremendous amount and you can only imagine what Apple have planned for the next year or so. If you have interest in self-publishing, or e-books in general, then Apple are a case study you should be following with keen eyes in the coming months.
The ‘Bloody Hell, Are You Kidding Me’ Article!
My praise for Apple is only short lived this week as they unfortunately take my cringe worthy article. I love Apple, seriously, I’m a fanboi and I’m happy to admit it.
When the iAuthor platform came out I thought ‘Sweet! This could be amazing!’ I downloaded the software, had a little play and honestly felt this could become my future platform of choice. Amazon is great, but Apple! I mean come on guys, Apple!
Then I saw this article and it made me groan. I won’t go into the details, but it seems Apple are trying to put their iron fist on things and make life harder for authors. One of the great things about e-books is the ease of distribution. Please Apple, don’t screw yourselves by being greedy!
Take a read and come to your own conclusions… HERE
So there you go guys and girls. The end of another Turndog Tale and into a new weekend we go. Have a fantastic weekend!
Turndog Millionaire (@turndog_million)
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