Welcome to the new website everyone, and thank you for joining me on this momentous day.
I left my job one month ago, and in the time since, been working on this Site, my Business Plan, an Ebook or two, and generally getting my new world Organised.Please let me know how I’m doing. I’ve done my best to rid this site of errors, but I’m sure some exist. If you find them, please send me an email.
Do you have an opinion on the new layout? Let me know in the comments section below. I’d love to hear your thoughts…
Still To Come
I don’t want to give too much away, but I will use this site for daily Blog Posts, highlight my Consultancy Services, and showcase my Books. Some of it will be interesting for writers, whereas others will be interesting for Marketers, Entrepeneurs & Startups. I’ll be documenting these challenges in the coming weeks, and trust me, coming up with a way to cater for both core audiences hasn’t been easy. I hope I won’t let you down.
I have loads of ideas for new content, though, and in actual fact I have nearly all of June booked with Articles I’ve already written. If you don’t come across something good on Monday, hopefully Tuesday will bring you a stellar read. The best advice I can offer is to keep checking back, because I’d hate to ruin the surprises I have in store 🙂
Join Me!
Before I leave you to search and watch the video below, please sign-up for one or more of my Mailing Lists. I know handing over an email is scary, but let me explain what I have planned.
*General Mailing List: this is where you’ll receive my weekly newsletter, and other special content that no one else will get. Simply put, the information sent to this Mailing List will not appear on the website. Or if it does, it goes to Mailing List first. I hope to make email a large part of my world, so sign-up and see if I stay true to my promise.
*How To Build An Author House: I’ve been working on this for months, and it includes contributions from people like Joanna Penn, Jeff Goins, Dan Blank & Danny Iny. I’ve split it up over 5 Ebooks (read more about it Here), but you only have to Sign-Up once to get them directly sent to your Inbox over the coming weeks. If you’re a writer needing help with your Author Platform…this is the Book for you!
*What Is Strategic Marketing: this book looks at my views on Modern Marketing, the balance of Creativity & Strategy, and what makes a 21st Century Brand (read more about it Here). It’s short, precise, and will get you thinking. Well, that’s the plan. What do you think?
Please sign-up to one or more of the lists below, I’d love to get to know you better.
This Weekend
Finally, this weekend I’m going to release two promotions. One will be aimed at Writers and the other at Businesses. I won’t say any more than that, you’ll have to come back this weekend to find out more 🙂 (add me to your RSS Feed Here)
Needless to say, I’m excited about these offers and hope to see lots of people sign up. Entering is the easiest thing in the world, so come back over the weekend and check it out. Like a true writer, I’ll leave you wanting more…
Consultancy Services for Writers
Consultancy Services for Businesses
General Mailing List
[ois skin=”General Mailing List”]
How To Build An Author House
[ois skin=”How To Build an Author House”]
What Is Strategic Marketing
[ois skin=”What Is Strategic Marketing”]
Thanks for reading and visiting me on my launch. It’s a real honour. Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts:)
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million