The Turndog Tales: 10/06/2012 – 15/06/2012





Happy Friday people,

I don’t join in on the  #FF Fun, but I do create The Turndog Tales: the weeks very best news. I won’t say much more, other than to thank you for being here. Enjoy your Friday, enjoy an even better weekend, and lets begin the awesomeness that is The Turndog Tales…


Thinking Outside the box

As I’m sure you all know, I’m a big fan of thinking outside of the box. It’s where greatness comes from, and Laura Harrington got me thinking about how Book Marketing doesn’t have to be boring.

A simple Book Tour can be more than that…if you want. Laura has done something I feel other indie authors can follow.

Click Here


How To Create A Reader Profile

My reason for loving this Post is simple. I’m currently creating my own Profiles so this is timing at its best. The Duolit Girls come up trumps with this great little post.

If you’ve never checked this site out, you should. It offers great content and even lets someone like me come in and guest post from time to time 🙂

Click Here


A Truly Good Interview

Interviews can be good, but more often than not, they aren’t. This one from the Indie BookSpot is part of the cool as heck club.

Jane Friedman is interviewed – someone who usually always produces a great read – and asked some very good questions. If you want to learn about the publishing industry, and where Jane thinks things are going, you need to check this out.

Click Here


12 Books In One Year?

That’s right…Superman has taken up writing.

Orrrrr, a guy called Matt Forbeck, you decide. The dizzying amount is good, but the process and the idea is better. I’m not going to share any more because you should read it for yourself. All I know is that Matt is going to get an email from another Matt very soon indeed.

Click Here


Become A Writer Damn It

As some of you may know, I’ve read Jeff Goins latest book (and have a bit of a guy crush on him) and loved it. He appears on Copyblogger talking about the book’s general premise, and it’s something all writers should read

Get ready for inspiration, ok!

Click Here


The ‘Bloody Hell, Really’ Post

This week Galley Cat wrote about how companies are bidding for the new domain extensions that are coming out. Long story short, companies will soon be able to use things other than .com .org etc

It can be for example, and my questions is, where does it stop?

Is this really needed? Soon we’ll have www.turndogmillionaire.inyourfacesimoncowell

You heard it here first!

Click Here


There you go, another week at an end and an exciting weekend awaits us. I hope you have a great one, and make sure you improve the odds by coming to this very site. I have a few top Posts lined up, so make sure you don’t miss out.

One final thing before I go. It would be amazing if you did me the honour and gave me your email address. If you want Exclusive Content from yours truly, fill in the purple box below. It will make you super awesome!

Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million


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