Hello there and welcome to The Turndog Review: the books I read, reviewed.
I aren’t a professional critic, instead all I offer is my honest opinion into everything I read. However, I do this with a difference, as I don’t only offer my personal views on the Writing, Plot, and Story, but also the Book Cover, Book Marketing, and Author Website.
We live in a modern world where being a writer is different to years gone by, and I feel the whole experience of the book matters. This covers everything from the initial find, the actual read, and everything that follows. Therefore I hope this review not only offers a great insight into the book and author, but also into my own mind and what makes me tick.
So without further ado let’s begin, and today I focus on Wrecked by Jeff Goins
Published: 2012
Read: July 2012
Discovered: I was part of the Wrecked Launch Team
If you have yet to read Jeff’s Blog, I suggest you do. It will inspire you at least twice a week. It’s safe to assume, then, that a book he writes is going to be good. I prepared myself for good, but didn’t prepare myself for this.
Wrecked does what it says on the cover. It wrecks you. It looks at things like volunteering, missionary work, and all manner of good things. It also looks at why you do this. What do you get out of it, and what do you have to sacrifice to truly make a difference?
For me, it made me realise how little I’ve been wrecked. It’s made me realise I need to change this. That I need to give more of myself and put myself out there. It also provides you with some hope. It’s a lot of heart wrenching pages, but it offers some great tips along the way.
Mainly that you have to try new things and put yourself out there.
I’m by no means a religious man. I have a spiritual side, but I wouldn’t call it faith. Jeff is, and many of the things discussed in Wrecked, talks of the Bible and God. This is something I struggle to grasp, but the overlying premise is there to see.
Simply put…wow
The Good:
Anyone who reads Jeff’s Blog will tell you how he has a way with words. This book is like one giant Blog post. Oh, and this isn’t an insult. This most definitely a complement.
The best thing about this book is the practical stories. You really get to know the people Jeff has encountered. The situations and stories he has to share are great. If such things don’t inspire you, I’m not sure what will.
The Bad:
This is purely subjective, but as I’m not a religious man, some of the context goes beyond my realm. It’s hard to pin this as bad, because this is faith, and for all those that read it who don’t believe, there will be someone else who does.
Other than this, it is all-good. It’s an inspiration and gets you thinking. I prepared myself for a book that would get me thinking, but I didn’t prepare myself for a book that would change how I thought.
Book Cover:
I’m a large fan of this cover, largely because it aligns with Jeff’s Brand as a whole. If you head to his Website, you’ll see a strong correlation between Site and Book. This is excellent to see.
It also houses everything you need in a modern cover. The text stands out and the colours are nice. As for the picture of the upside down turtle, well, it make sense, doesn’t it? A ‘turtled’ turtle is most definitely Wrecked.
Book Marketing:
I said this last time I reviewed a book by Jeff, but those looking to create a launch with some bite should research what Jeff does. The reason I’m reviewing this book now is because I got an advance copy (along with a hundred or so other people). I’m part of the Wrecked Launch Team, and I can assure you, the things being discussed are great.
His followers are coming up with great ideas. Jeff himself is doing great things, too. All in all this entire project has taken on a life of its own. This is what we all hope for. That a book becomes more than mere pages.
Community is something I treasure and Jeff has a great one under his wing. Like I say, I suggest you research Jeff and his techniques. If you don’t learn anything you must already be damn good.
Author Website & Engagement:
Unsurprisingly, I like Jeff’s site. It’s one I frequent often. It’s clean, crisp, and minimal. For me, this is what it’s all about.
It’s his engagement that stands out, though.
Jeff has built his tribe over the years and serves them well. After reading Wrecked, his way of thinking makes more sense to me. It’s much deeper than I previously knew. This is how he lives his life. He loves to engage and meet people. He loves to offer a helping hand.
It’s a refreshing change compared to a lot of people you come across
This is a book you should read. We all have large to-read lists, but seriously, this is something you should add to it. In fact, don’t just add it, bump it to the top and start as soon as you can.
I’ve learnt a great deal from this book. I’m sure you will too. Whether you’re religious or not, this will help. It’s for this that it’s impossible for me to offer anything other than…
5 Turndogs out of 5
Thanks for reading this version of The Turndog Review. I review every book I read, not only for the writing, but the marketing, website, and general communication from the author.
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million