5 Non-TED Talks From 5 Amazing Writers





A recent post shared 6 Amazing Ted Talks By Writers, and boy they were good. However, it had me thinking about all the other great talks out there. After all, it’s tough to get a TED Talk.

So today I bring 5 Amazing Talks from 5 Amazing Writers (no TEDs allowed).


1: Neil Gaiman

I’m a huge Neil Gaiman fan, not just for his writing, but his general awesomeness in everyday life. This is a popular speech, and chances are you’ve already watched it. If you haven’t though, I suggest you do.

It’s a university address and I’m very jealous of these students. Lucky lucky folk.

2: Stephen King

I’m not a reader of his, but you can’t deny a true great. Stephen King is someone, who when speaks, people listen. This speech he did at the Savannah Book Festival talks about getting started, the ups and downs, and the general world he lives in.

It also happens to be very amusing. At over an hour long it’s an investment, but totally worth it.

3: John Grisham

Again, I’m not a Grisham fan, but this speech is very funny. Things didn’t go plain sailing for a young John Grisham, and if it tells us anything, it’s to keep going and stay strong. He had to hustle and work and fight self doubt along the way. 

A speech like this is great for a guy like me.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krr683y5WDA (embedding was disabled. Click Link for video)

4: JK Rowling

Only a select few get to make a commencement speech at Harvard University, but it’s no shock that the Queen of wizardry is part of this group. What I love about this speech is her clear vulnerability. She hates public speaking, but she builds it into her talk.

It also shows the hardships from her earlier days, and it’s another great example of a world before everything is perfect.

5: Ray Bradbury

The late Mr Bradbury once went to a small library and spoke to some people. The end result was a great speech that took you into a world of many moons ago. It’s a whimsical tale about when he was a child, and how it transformed him into a writer.

What an amazing talk this is, despite the annoying woman introducing him and talking nonsense for a few minutes.


And there you have, folks. These are 5 Amazing Talks I’ve found, but what have I missed? What talks do you love? 

Please share your favourites in the comments section below:)

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