With Launch Day tomorrow morning (8th January), the Guest Posts have begun. If you’re a regular Blog reader then you may see me appear on quite a few sites in the next few weeks 🙂
I’m going to create an update every few days pointing toward these amazing sites, where amazing people have allowed me to speak to their readers. Let’s see who the first ones are, shall we:
Can A Man Really Write Romance?
My guest post on The Creative Penn:
My name is Matthew Turner and I’m a dreamer, optimist, and silly romantic fool.
I’m not saying I write romance in the same manner as E.L James or Bella Andre, rather in the style of a Nick Hornby or David Nicholls.
Frankly, I’m far too awkward to ever write erotica or intense romance. As soon as I have to explain a sex scene I blush and stumble and stutter and stammer. It’s quite pathetic to be honest.
But every idea I have ever had has resonated around some kind of romantic conflict. It involves a man and woman coming together and battling through the hardships of life. They argue and love and cower in the corner. I’m sure you know the process…
Read the rest of the post
Fear & Writing: Do You Hide Your Writing From Friends & Family?
My guest post on We Grow Media:
Friends… Family… Colleagues… you have to love them, don’t you?
They’re always there for you, yet sometimes we feel more vulnerable around them than when we’re surrounded by strangers. I spent six years writing my first novel, and up until a few months ago, only a handful of people knew about it.
I’m not sure why, but the thought of telling my friends and family was terrifying. Strangers, sure, that’s the easy part.
Those you love… that’s a whole other realm.
Read the rest of the postÂ
7 Issues I’ve Come Across Writing My Debut Novel
My guest post on Publish Your Own Ebooks:
I love writing…I hate writing…I love writing…I hate writing…
If you’re a writer of any kind I’m sure you understand this never-ending cycle of torture. It’s the greatest, most enthralling thing in the world, when you sit down and create something from nothing.
However, there is so much more that comes with the process, especially if you decide to self-publish your work. You’re not only a writer, but a marketer, designer, editor, proofreader, salesman, formatter, networking genius, and general ninja.
Read the rest of the post
Making Your Launch Day Count
My guest post on Duolit:
As you read this – assuming you’re reading it the day it goes live – I’m going through a very exciting/terrifying time. Tomorrow is the launch of my debut novel, Beyond Parallel.
What a crazy, chaotic, and wonderful time it is!
You may read this and nod your head, having gone through this process yourself. Then again, maybe you haven’t and you’re curious as to what to expect. Whatever your position, I hope you’ll raise a glass to my novel.
Read the rest of the post:
That’s Beyond Parallel on tour so far. Of course, there’s plenty more to come, and I hope you’ll support the cool people who are helping me out. Head over, leave a comment, and share a Tweet or two 🙂
Right I’m off to finish my Launch Day planning. Until tomorrow…
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million