Welcome to Friday, the day we all get excited because it means relaxation, unless you’re a writer, entrepreneur, or other nomadic maniac, in which car you’ll probably have a busy – albeit fun – few days ahead 🙂
The Turndog Tales is here to share my favourite stories of the week, so please devour as much as you like and share the joy. Let’s do this:
Trump the Amazon Machine
David Gaughran is a man who speaks sense, so when this post popped up on my screen and looked at how Amazon recommends books to people, it caught my eye.
It looks at the brick and mortar method of book selling, and how the mysterious algorithms at Amazon HQ have a canny way of keeping customers happy. It isn’t a bidding war to appear in the best places (like a physical bookshop is), rather the most appropriate, popular, and shared book that wins. Very interesting piece!
Literary Fiction In the Digital Age
I wouldn’t call my own writing Literary Fiction per se, but it certainly sways that way, and as I develop and become a better  writer, I feel this is the genre I’ll fall into.
It’s been a strange week because I’ve come across a few Literary Fiction debates (this is rather rare) and this one by Porter Anderson is a keeper. It looks at how certain things can start literary but become mainstream, and how literary fiction plays a role in the modern world. Intriguing to say the least.
Six Years In the Making
Some books are huge successes after a few hours, others take a while. In the days of yesteryear there was a shelf life for books, but these days it’s less a shelf and more a digital goodie bag of treats and delights.
Kristin Nelson looks at Rumble On the Bayou and how it hit the Bestseller List after six years of availability. It’s rather strange, but can we expect more of this as traditionally published authors head online, build a platform, and self-publish work on their own?
Book Gift Cards
As someone who likes to think he’s somewhat savvy and ‘with it’ I was interested by this article from Humayun Khan. He looks at Livrada – a service that provides authors with personal gift cards that they can give or sell to their readers.
Imagine an Amazon Gift Card, but one that can only redeem your book. You can customise it and do a few funky things, and although it’s another expense, this could be ideal for those who like to partake in speaking events and book signings. Â I’m intrigued!
Spread The Love
The Duolit girls are back with some cool thoughts, not only from their own minds, but those of others, too. They’ve rounded up advice from a few writers succeeding, and the best part is – in my opinion – these are individuals who are doing well, not those who have seen runaway success and signed to numerous publishers.
We can do this, folks. Self-Publishing is tough, but there are normal, everyday folk winning each day. We can join them!
The ‘Bloody Hell, Really’ Post
Ahhhh it wouldn’t be a week worth living if it wasn’t for a rather blinkered view on self-publishing. This time it comes from Anna Baddeley who thinks it’s good for writers, not readers. I find this strange because who reads traditionally published books because they’re from Harper or Random House or…?
We read book for good stories, not because they’re self or traditionally published. As long as the quality is high, I can’t see readers EVER caring.
That’s it for another week, I hope you have a  marvellous weekend. Before you go please consider my own posts from this week, which includes:
Indie Authors: You Too Can Get A Review
Why do I Self-Publish – Guest Post from Ben GalleyÂ
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_millionÂ