Welcome to TURNDOG TALKS TO: the time of the week where I interview people with a story to share.
This week I’m happy to welcome Jaime Tardy to the interview table, the woman behind The Eventual Millionaire. Jaime has done many more interviews than myself so I was rather nervous, but what a chat it was with many lessons learned along the way. We talk about overcoming big mistakes and how you can learn for forever more. As you may have guessed, it’s in aid of The Successful Mistake.
I’m Jaime. Ever since I was little I had this weird feeling, a knowing that I would someday have a million dollars. While I don’t have a million yet, I’ve always been intrigued by how to make a million.
In 2006 I decided to crush my debt and quit my job. I read a massive amount of books and websites about how to do it. The world of personal finance and entrepreneurs opened up to me. By April of 2007 I was able to give my notice at my job. I took time off to find out what work excited me.
I found it. Now I help entrepreneurs focus their money and their strengths to create an amazing life while they build their net worth.
The Interview Overview
- Jaime shares her big mistake: not being prepared for when your BIG Break arrives
- She talks about appearing on the CNN and Yahoo homepages, which is great, but her site crashed almost immediately because her hosting couldn’t handle it, meaning the majority of her potential traffic never arrives
- We discuss the fine balance of being prepared for the best, but not wasting money, either
- Jaime didn’t think this would happen again, but it did, and the result was once again a crashed site
- Looking back, Jaime simply didn’t plan ahead or place enough confidence in herself or her abilities, but she’s now prepared for anything – whenever it may come.
- She talks about not necessarily aiming for the stars, but being prepared for them. This allows her to approach everything she does in a more prepared and proactive manner.
Thanks for dropping by and joining us for this marvelous edition of Turndog Talks To
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Have a most lovely day,
Turndog – @turndog_million