As an entrepreneur yourself, my guess is you have a huge crush on a fellow entrepreneur. We all do. We want to be more like them, and to have their network and knowledge and happiness. You strive to be just like them, right?
But have you ever thought about what makes a successful person successful?
Do they share certain habits, or is it all down to luck or a secret formula you’ve yet to discover?
I’ll give you a hint… it has nothing to do with luck or a secret formula, but I learned this the hard way, struggling through the first few years of my entrepreneurial journey and how to succeed in business. Lucky for me, I interviewed A LOT of inspiring individuals whilst I did, unearthing what makes successful people successful.
And this is what I’d like to share with you today:
- 6 habits almost every successful entrepreneur has in common
- How you can implement these positive habits into your daily-day
- Actual case studies on how to succeed in business, and a very special gift at the end of this post.
You see… successful entrepreneur are human-beings like you and me.
They weren’t born into greatness.
They weren’t destined for it.
They’ve worked hard for it, and learned what it means to be successful. This is your chance to fast-track your journey and avoid the stumbles and falls I made myself.
The biggest difference between successful people and those not-quite-there-yet, is successful people appreciate what success means to THEM.
When Marianne Cantwell first started her business, she dressed like she thought she had to and based everything she did around what worked for other successful people.
She assumed if she could do it like them but just a tiny bit better, clients, money, and success would follow.
IT DIDN’T, and it wasn’t until Marianne focussed on what makes her special that she transformed Free Range Humans into what it is today. Most entrepreneurs I meet don’t appreciate what success means to them. They know they want more than they have, but when I ask them to dig deeper and tell me what that is, they stumble into silence
Whereas Successful People… they know what success means to THEM. They can tell you in an instant.
Turndog Tip: Imagine you have a billion dollars… write down how you would spend the rest of your life.
Dave Conrey once said, “Passion alone isn’t enough. You need to balance this with real purpose in order to find success.”
You want to work on projects that light a fire within you and build a business around something you love. This should remain your goal, but successful entrepreneurs appreciate their passion has to serve a purpose for a specific group of people.
Your future customers need you, but before you get to serve them you must first fulfil a purpose. What is this? How can you balance what you love with something that offers a real purpose to those you serve?
Turndog Tip: In less than 100 words, define your audience and what it is you offer that helps & serves them. This is YOUR secret into how to succeed in business.
When Dan Miller lost his business and owed the IRS A LOT of money, you might assume he hid in a corner from everyone, embarrassed to come out.
Oh no, you see Dan’s a successful person who appreciates how important it is to let people in, be honest with them, and share your pain. As an entrepreneur, you’ll never be able to fix everything on your own.
You need your staff and mentors and customers and friends, and the more you share with them (especially when it’s hard and painful), the easier it is to transform a bad situation into a good one.
Dan rebuilt his business and created a life of happiness and freedom, but only after he shared a great deal of pain with those around him
Turndog Tip: Arrange a drink with a friend and tell them something about your business that scares you/keeps you up at night
I imagine you have a large to-do list and not enough time, and although the entrepreneur who works 18-hours each day may seem romantic, I’ve yet to meet a successful person who lives this way.
Ari Meisel used to be one of these people, working far too hard and neglecting his health. After developing Crohn’s Disease, he changed his business and lifestyle, outsourcing as much as he could and trimming his client list.
For the first time in years, he focussed on his health and his mental wellbeing, and not only did he defeat his Crohn’s Disease, he became a renowned author, speaker, and consultant (in other words, he learned how to succeed in business).
No matter what your business involves, YOUR health remains the most important aspect of it at all times. Successful people appreciate this. Those who aren’t, don’t
Turndog Tip: Create two columns… in one estimate how much time you spend working each week. In the other, note the exercise and quiet time you have. Do you consider this well-balanced?
As an entrepreneur searching for how to succeed in business, you’ll come across new ideas each day,
It’s easy to lose focus, and it’s even easier to drift towards the almighty dollar and say yes to one more client… just one more project…
The unsuccessful person says no to opportunity because they can’t see what’s on the other side of it. Instead, they say yes to more work because it’s easy to measure.
But successful entrepreneurs say no to more work, instead reserving their yes’ for new opportunities.
Michael O’Neal taught me this, sharing how he only found success after he refused to work for an hourly wage. It meant a lot of lost work, but it’s the new opportunities that lead him towards success.
Turndog Tip: Spend the rest of today saying yes to as many opportunities, invites, and conversations as you can.
Although you don’t start a business with the aim to make mistakes or fail, successful entrepreneurs appreciate this happens regardless.
They don’t fear it and they don’t panic when it happens. They embrace these failures, and understand they offer the opportunity to transform their idea into something far better.
This is what I’ve learned whilst writing The Successful Mistake, and after interviewing 163 successful individuals, I’ve discovered the main differences between a successful person and one who isn’t quite there yet — let alone the secrets behind how to succeed in business.
These 6 positive habits form part of this, but they only scratch the surface. The good news is, successful people aren’t born that way. You too can be a huge success story, and my mission is to help you achieve this.
This is why I’ve written The Successful Mistake, but before you commit to the book you may like to take action TODAY — which is why I’ve written this short guide: 7 Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Share Thier Positive Habits.
Featuring stories and advice from Pam Slim, AJ Leon, Jayson Gaignard, and Dorie Clark to name a few, this short guide (that only takes 7 minutes to read) gives you everything you need to take action today and learn from the best (and those you admire and look up to).
This short guide’s full of valuable content that shows you how to succeed in business, but if you have any questions or would like to chat, reach out to me on TWITTER or FACEBOOK. I look forward to chatting with you soon.
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