[Guest Post] Get Inspired by These 7 Epic Losers Who Bounced Back From Failure

I recently published an article on Entrepreneur Magazine where I focus on seven successful people who overcame big time failure. I wanted to tell you about this post here, and if you like what you see, you may like to read the rest.
Anyways… this is how the post begins
James Dyson failed 5,126 times before he found a version of his Dual Cyclone vacuum cleaner that worked. To many, this would make him a loser, yet today he is worth $4.2 billion.
After interviewing 200-plus people, I’ve realized the most successful individuals I know were, at some stage along their journey, a big loser. They failed. They made giant mistakes. They lost a lot of money, and watched as their business went under. Yet, they managed to overcome such adversity and build success on the back of these business-threatening mistakes.
Which begs the question, how do they do it?
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