The Turndog Tales: 30/06/2013 – 05/07/2013





Friday is here, which means a week is nearly over, and a weekend nearly upon us, and a whole host of great articles have met my eager eyes. I share some of my favourites with you now in the name of the Turndog Tales. Are you ready for inspiration and greatness?

Let’s start this weekend in style and pay homage to a few great writers:


New Adult Love

I’m used to seeing larger publications define New Adult in a rather poor light. It’s smut for kids, apparently, or steamy Young Adult. I disagree with this and Natalie Zutter appears to, too.

She discusses angst and the age range and how New Adult is a much larger genre than the perceived romance edged one. Finally, A New Adult article that looks at the bigger picture.

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Find Your Right Audience

I’m a huge fan of the wise words of Bernadette Jiwa, and this little post particularly caught my eye.

It’s short and sweet and focusses on the RIGHT person, not merely any person. I feel this is something we can all take note of.

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Writing Freedom Isn’t Free

The age old debate of traditional v self-published is an interesting one, and although I feel both have a very large role in the future of publishing, the thought that the indie route may be easier is crazy.

Kristen Lamb has turned her hand to a little self-publishing and shared a few thoughts as to why she thinks others may fail. A very interesting article that writers of all types can take inspiration from.

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Amazingly Frustrating

In part I love this. However, another part hates it, and I can’t quite decide whether I would shake Shed Simove’s hand or punch him in the face – actually, I wouldn’t punch him. I’m a lover, not a hater 🙂

This is a strange scenario though, and although hilarious and quirky, it’s frustrating as hell because tackling the Amazion Charts is something all writers dream of, but most never see. Like I say, this is a love/hate thing

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Follow Through

You know the issue: the idea is great, the beginning is exciting, but somewhere down the line that new project of yours loses its appeal. It’s easy to start but oh so hard to finish.

This video from Marie Forleo looks at exactly this, and although many may say they don’t suffer, I personally believe EVERYONE does! Some fine advice I advise you to devour.

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The ‘Bloody Hell, Really’ Article

I love independent bookstores, and I can understand their angst toward Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but to say authors are in the wrong for linking to them is unfair. Us writers are merely trying to get out there in as many ways as possible.

I really want to see my books in independent bookstores, but the process isn’t easy. Publishing and linking to Amazon, though, well this is simple and efficient and often brings a great deal of opportunity.

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And that is that. Another week over and another weekend awaits. I hope you have an amazing one, and please, let me know what you’re up to over on Facebook. Before you do go though, please take a look at my own articles from this week.

Top weekend to you,



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