The Turndog Tales: 07/07/2013 – 12/07/2013





Friday is a great day for a few reasons – it’s the end of the week, start of the weekend, begins with the letter F, and is of course when The Turndog Tales comes at ya. Ready for the week’s best news? Good!

Below you’ll find my favourite news of the week, so please sit back and relax and enjoy some fine words.



Fight the Fear

Writing is an amazing escape, but also brings a great deal of fear. Seriously, some days you wonder whether it’s worth it.

Claire DeBoer writes a superb article about this and how to overcome a little fear and anxious worry. Writing is hard, but also worthwhile. If you feel a little doubt, an article like this is for you.

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Yeah, But…

My second novel is currently being read by Beta Readers, which is a scary process indeed. It’s so easy to get defensive and stubborn. After all, who the hell are they to say whether my work is good or not?!?!?!

Well, that’s the whole point of letting others read your work, and this article by Keith Cronin is a great compliment to this. When someone says something about our writing, our first response is “Yeah, but…” but we need to fight this. Don’t be stubborn and don’t disregard the advice of others. A great article that most writers should read.

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Being Wrong is Right

As someone writing a book called The Succssful Mistake, I value the art of being wrong, making errors, and being part of the odd faux pas or two.

Chris Brogan talks about being wrong and how it is needed to grow and move forward. A great article for everyone starting out – in fact scrap that –  a great article for everyone.

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The Recluse Writer

This post by Jane Friedman about Twitter for Writers caught my eye earlier this week. I can understand both sides of the story, but the one that hung in my mind is the art of the recluse writer.

I understand why people might like to hang on the mystique of life behind the writer, but I feel transparency is much more exciting for both the writer and reader. A thought provoking article indeed.

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Take Time to Pause

Life is hectic, especially for a successful chapette like Amy Jo Martin. She talks about taking 8 minutes each day to listen to two songs, and how it helps keep her fresh and on top.

I think we can all take heed of this. A little pause can make all the difference.

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The ‘Bloody Hell, Really’ Post

I think – and certainly hope – this article is satire, but regardless, it shows how quickly things can snowball and get out of hand.

For the love of God think before you write, and if you’re purposefully trying to get a reaction, be ready for the chaos that follows.

Read Here

And that’s that for another week. The sun is shining in Yorkshire and I hope it is where you reside, too.

Before you leave and enjoy the weekend that awaits, though, please take a look at my own posts from this week. See you soon!

My Posts From This Week:



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