It’s tough being a first time author. You’ve just finished your book and the hard work continues. If you want to sell more than a dozen copies, you need to spread the word.
There are many things you can do, and one of the most cost effective ways of doing it is by Guest Blogging. A Guest Blog Post can introduce your book to a whole new world. Does this solve all your problems? Hell no!
It can help though, and this is how…
Guest Blogging Relationships
Writing a Guest Blog can bring many benefits:
- Traffic
- Downloads/Sales
- New Readers
- Brand Awareness
All of these are great, but I’ve left one important aspect that Guest Blogging brings. That is Relationships.
This is the number one reason I Guest Blog, and this will continue to be the case in the lead up to my first Book Launch.
Sure…the traffic is great
Sure…the downloads and sales it brings are good
Sure…the SEO benefits are stellar
All important, but merely a bonus to the relationships.
Patience Is A Virtue
I’m not a patient person, but I am Strategic. As such, I’m always looking at the bigger picture. As a first time author, your first book isn’t the most important you will write. Speak to anyone who’s been doing this for a while and they will tell you to start book two as soon as you release book one.
And then write book 3
And then write book 4
This is the reality of a writer. We are placed on this world to write. Marketing is done in and around this. This is why the relationships of Guest Blogging is big. It gives your entire career legs.
What’s Love Got To Do With A Guest Blog?
When you a write a Guest Blog Post, you should link to your new book. After all, you’re launching your first book so don’t waste the opportunity of gathering some sales.
This is a short term gain, though. It makes you feel all fuzzy inside, but it’s the relationships you build NOW that keep you in the game tomorrow.
The Blogger…that’s a friend in waiting
Their Readers…these are followers of the future
Like most things in life, it’s all about balance. You need to find that line between the benefits of the NOW and the benefits of the future. When you’re launching your first book, it’s easy to get lost in TODAY.
Fight this feeling. Get your big picture thinking hat on.
The Secret Sauce Of Guest Blogging
When you create a Guest Blog Post, you have two people to consider:
- The Blogger
- The Reader
The Internet is full of tips on creating great headlines and the perfect Guest Blog Layout. What they don’t always talk about is the relationships that can blossom.
So how do you do this? It’s quite simple really…think big!
Consider how you can immerse the reader and tempt them into your world. Don’t only offer them great tips about Twitter for Authors, but give them reason to connect with you:
- Create a promotion
- Reply to all comments
- Create a special mailing list
- Give everyone who comments a free copy of your new book
Take It To New Levels
Guest Blogging is great, but it can become so much more. It all comes down to engagement. When you create a Guest Blog Post, are you merely doing it to drive traffic, or would you like to form a new ally?
For me, I’d much rather create a new friendship. These people will teach me things, introduce me to new people, and be there in the future. And yes, that includes Book 2, 3 & 4.
It also makes you much more human. After all, don’t we all desire a few more friends and allies?
Guest Blogging is great, but do you make the most of it?
Share your own tale below…tell us about the relationships you’ve built from being a Guest on another site.
Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million