[Guest Post] How To Find Courage Through Your Fear, Mistakes & Failure




[Guest Post] How To Find Courage Through Your Fear, Mistakes & Failure

I recently published an article on The Mission magazine where I focus on how to find the courage to face your fear, especially after failure. I wanted to tell you about this post here, and if you like what you see, you may like to read the rest.

Anyways… this is how the post begins

Each day I wake up terrified. This state doesn’t improve much throughout the day, because this world we live in is a scary place.

I figure we’re all terrified, one way or another.

I suppose it’s in our DNA. It’s what kept us alive for generations, safe from lions and other animals ready to tear us apart. Today, we may not fear for our lives like our ancestors did, but we fear a lot nevertheless:

… failure

… letting people down

… letting myself down

… not earning enough money

… doing or saying something stupid

… what this person thinks

… what the other person thinks

I imagine you can relate to this right now (if not, you may wish to stop reading now). But assuming you do, I have a simple exercise that helps you break through this fear (that I personally use).

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