The Turndog Tales: 12/08/2012 – 17/08/2012





Another Friday is here and that means one thing…The Turndog Tales.

I have a few articles that I have read, loved, and shared. I hope they help you like they have me. So without further ado, let’s kick this thing into gear.

Characters That Count

For those of you that write Fiction, you will know far too well the importance of your characters. A great plot, well written prose, and grammar fit for a king is fine, but it’s the characters that we tend to fall in love with.

Jan Drexler talks about this and offers a few pointers in creating the perfect and loveable character. It’s short and sweet, but a great reminder. Take a look and find out for yourself

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The Importance Of Voice

There isn’t much more important in a writers life than his or her voice. It can take years to discover. It’s frustrating as hell. We know it’s there, and in some ways we understand it, but putting it on the page, and keeping it consistent, well, this takes time and practice.

Robin LaFevers talks about the power it holds and how a writer can use it to their advantage. If you are looking for your own I suggest you take a read. It certainly offers food for thought.

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Email Your Stories

Bruce Holland Rogers introduced me to an interesting concept this week. He talks about how people subscribe to his short stories. How he emails them regularly, how he has created a community, and how it is a viable little venture

Things like this fascinate me. It has potential and shows how people can take their passion and craft, and turn it into something great. It might not mean millions of people come across your work, but a solid niche love affair can occur. This is sometimes far better

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Inspiration From Nowhere

Want a crazy awesome story? I suggest you read this post by Joel Runyon. It talks about a chance encounter, how opening your eyes can lead to great things, and also how a BIG HIT awaits us all.

Do things people haven’t done before. That’s the mantra behind this post. I feel we all can learn something from this. Great post!

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What Is A Tribe

Dan Blank began my Friday with a great post about Tribes. This is something that gets talked about a lot. Anyone and everyone owns a Tribe. Or do they?

Dan says not, and I have to agree. It makes you think twice about what you’re doing. Can we simply create a tribe? Can we ever own one? Isn’t that against what a tribe actually is? Read it for yourself and make your own way forward

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The ‘Bloody Hell, Really’ Post

If you want to chuckle to yourself, read this post by Kristen Lamb. She talks about people building a platform on SPAM, and in particular, she discusses one writer who abuses her WANA hashtag. This writer must be mental!

If you want to learn what no to do, read this post. Some people really are clueless!

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And that’s a wrap! Huge thanks for reading, I hope you took something from the above articles. I personally loved them 🙂

Before you go and enjoy your weekend, please consider my own posts from this week. They are:

How Do You Overcome ‘it’

22 People Aspiring Authors Should Follow 

Introducing A Whole New World

Turndog Millionaire – @turndog_million

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