Help Me Defeat Harry Potter!

A couple of days ago I started a short promotional campaign to help kick Beyond Parallel up the Amazon charts. It’s been $.99 for a couple of days now, but later today it will go back to $2.99. The feedback I’ve received has been great, and it seems people...

The Importance Of Being Exposed

Yesterday I reduced the price of Beyond Parallel to JUST $.99, and although it won’t make me rich overnight, I hope it’ll play a very particular role… BUILD EXPOSURE. When you release anything you hope people will buy it and fill your wallet with hard...

The BIG $.99 SALE

Will you help me defeat Harry Potter? This may sound like a strange question, but hear me out. Beyond Parallel has been available for over a month now and the lessons learned have been invaluable. I’m loving the journey so far, but the most valuable tip...

The Turndog Review: Life Of Pi

Hello there and welcome to The Turndog Review: the books I read, reviewed. I aren’t a professional critic, instead all I offer is my honest opinion into everything I read. However, I do this with a difference, as I don’t only offer my personal views on the Writing,...

My Big Facebook Maistake

Facebook is BIG. In fact, Facebook is really BIG.  These days, when you meet a girl, you say that you’ll Facebook her rather than call her – at least this what the cool kids tell me. It has over 800 million users and seems to be growing all of the time....