The Ultimate iBooks Author Experiment: The Initial Feedback

The book is now on the iBookstore and available to the world. Surely by now I’m a millionaire. All you have to do is write a book, publish it, and BOOM…success, right? …NO, I’m afraid not Don’t worry, I wasn’t under any assumptions. What I did...

The Ultimate iBooks Author Experiment: Upload Your Book

iBooks Author…the saviour of self-publishing or epic fail? That’s what this experiment hopes to uncover and I’d like to welcome you back to episode 3. Today I will offer a step-by-step guide for getting your book on the iBookstore. Last time the focus was...

The Ultimate iBooks Author Experiment: Create An Account

iBooks Author…apparently it’s the must have item for any author to be. Is it worth the time and effort? Is it the saviour of self-publishing? Hmmmmm, I have my doubts, but as I discussed in the previous post, I am open to being wrong. Time will tell my friends,...

The Ultimate IBooks Author Experiment: An Intro

I am what you might call an Apple Fan. There are those more committed, but I’m certainly an advocate. I would never, for instance, consider a Windows laptop, or a Google Phone, or a cheap and cheerful tablet. So there you go…I Love Apple When they announced a...