by turndog
Want to have an author platform where thousands of people visit each day? How about becoming one of those respected Bloggers appearing on a variety of sites, get paid to do so, and come away with awards year after year? It’s a tough thing to achieve and doesn’t happen...
by turndog
Yeah Twitter might be great, but what about actually speaking to people face to face? Is it so horrible to imagine? Are we so socially awkward the idea of shaking a hand makes our stomach turn? The online world is great, but author marketing still needs some real...
by turndog
Is Podcasting dead? Some people would argue it is with the ever-growing video landscape. However, there are still thousands of people Podcasting, and quite a few notable folk who use it as part of their author marketing. In fact, some people can attribute Podcasts to...
by turndog
Sometimes taking a step back can make all the difference to your future. Take a few moments to smell the Roses and you may find they’re actually Tulips…with Skittles instead of soil…and ears instead of petals. Going to 2012 SXSW did that for me, and the ideas I...
by turndog
Hello everybody, it seems an age since I last did a round up of the week’s best news, but the truth is I’ve only missed one week. I’ve returned from 2012 SXSW with plenty of ideas and vigor, so I hope you’ve been reading my recent posts, but if you haven’t please...