Turndog’s Monthly Income Report (June 2014)

Turndog’s Monthly Income Report (June 2014)

In the beginning of 2014, I decided to do something rather scary… BE TRANSPARENT & HONEST. I want to be an open book, but I’m scared. WHY? Because I’m still at the beginning of my journey, and the numbers are pitiful, and the failures often and...

How I Set Up My Podcast: A Story Telling Misfit Tale

I recently launched THE PURPLE COFFEE PODCAST to help kick my story telling to new heights. I’m aware the world doesn’t need another podcast, but seen as I’ve spent the last two years interviewing inspiring entrepreneurs, and urged them to share...


Twitter Facebook Buffer LinkedIn As a writer, entrepreneur, coffee shop meandering, general misfit nobody, the TOOLS I use and the RESOURCES that get me through the day are important. In this post I detail the products, books, courses, services, and people I love; and...
Turndog’s Monthly Income Report (May 2014)

Turndog’s Monthly Income Report (May 2014)

In the beginning of 2014, I decided to do something rather scary… BE TRANSPARENT & HONEST. I want to be an open book, but I’m scared. WHY? Because I’m still at the beginning of my journey, and the numbers are pitiful, and the failures often and...