TURNDOG TALKS TO: Fraser Doherty

Welcome to TURNDOG TALKS TO: the time of the week where I interview people with a story to share. Today’s top guest is a young man who set up his business at fourteen years of age. Fraser Doherty, founder of SuperJam, took his Grandmother’s secret recipe...


Welcome to TURNDOG TALKS TO: the time of the week where I interview people with a story to share. Today’s amazing guest is Tom Greveson, the founder of Revolution Viewing. I saw Tom speak at my old University (we be Alumni Peeps) and, well, do you know sometimes...


Welcome to TURNDOG TALKS TO: the time of the week where I interview people with a story to share. Today I talk to Dan Miller: author, speaker, and general entrepreneur mastermind. This is in aid of The Successful Mistake, which involves me interviewing some of the...


Welcome to TURNDOG TALKS TO: the time of the week where I interview people with a story to share. A large aspect of The Successful Mistake involves interviewing entrepreneurs, therefore I listen to a lot of tales. One such instance is when I sat down with Mary...

TURNDOG TALKS TO: Arnold du Toit

Welcome to TURNDOG TALKS TO: the time of the week where I interview people with a story to share. Listening to people share their stories is something I love, and considering a large aspect of The Successful Mistake involves interviewing entrepreneurs, I listen to a...

TURNDOG TALKS TO: Natalie Sisson

Welcome to TURNDOG TALKS TO: the time of the week where I interview people with a story to share. I love listening to people with a story to share and today I’m delighted to be speaking to Natalie Sisson – The Suitcase Entrepreneur. Natalie travels the...